Project Description

Chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus)

I LOVE it when I ‘actively’ find herbs that I regularly use, growing wild!.
I knew it grew in Greece so I had my ‘herbal radar’ out…….and there it was on the side of the road, happily growing in abundance.

(And look a butterfly came to join the party, but photo is not in focus as I was actually stood on the side of a bit of a dangerous road in Crete). How dangerous a herbalist’s life can be!

🍃 Chaste tree is one of my favourite herbs for balancing certain hormone patterns in women, e.g. too much oestrogen and lower progesterone levels.
It Inhibits prolactin and can have a progesterone effect on the body.
Traditionally used by monks, This herb has a libido ‘lowering’ effect on Men, hence its name ‘Chastity’ HOWEVER it can have a libido increasing effect on women!!!

I use this herb a lot with patients who have acne as it can really help balance out the hormones affecting skin and can even be used on teenage boys with great results.

Chaste tree is a wonderful herb for Menopause, balancing PMT symptoms especially with sore breasts, poly cystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis.
I also look at using it with delayed menstrual cycles and amenorrhea.

This herb can also have a melatonin increasing effect and can help insomnia in menopausal women. Definitely a valuable herb and wonderful to see it growing here in the wild.

I have actually been growing it at home in Australia but mine is still in a plant pot and not big enough to flower yet. Each year, I think it has died because the leaves fall off and it just becomes a stick….but, come spring, new shoots appear and it lives on 🍃🤗
The fruits are the medicinal parts used.