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I recently posted about ‘tropical chickweed’ (Drymaria cordata) which is often mistaken for common chickweed, but here is the true Common chickweed (Stellaria media).

It can be hard to find in our Australian summers but now it is winter it is everywhere and often growing together with the ‘tropical chickweed’ which does have similar properties. (see below). Chickweed grows all over the world especially in England and America.

It has  similar white star shaped flowers that are five bilobed petals, so looks like ten tiny petals. The difference in the true chickweed though, is its significant hairy stalk and buds.

This herb is renowned to help reduce inflammation and ulceration. Used for treatment of peptic ulcers, insect bites, burns and skin disorders such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.

Just pick a fresh bunch of the aerial plant to add to salads, juices or blend into a vitamin E cram for topical use.

Great source of vitamin C, chlorophyll and minerals.


Tropical chickweed (Drymaria Cordata)

A Medicine in Africa and India traditionally. Studies show it to be analgesic (pain relieving) and anti-pyretic (helps with fevers and hot sweats) comparably with aspirin (AJ Akindele, 2011). Another study proves it to be antitussive (reduces the severity of coughing) (Mukherjee PK).  topically for wounds, eczema and dermatitis (blend with vitamin E cream base). Makes a great soother for sore joints when made into a poultice. In food, it is high in vitamin C, A and B vitamins, minerals such as silica, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, chromium and manganese.

Here you can see both the chickweeds growing together. The common chick weed is the lighter leaf and the tropical leaves are darker, a lot stickier and not as hairy. Here I am holding common chickweed on the left and the tropical chickweed on the right.