Project Description
Echinacea purpurea – So excited. My first echinacea flower!
Parts used: Echinacea root
Actions: Immune enhancing, immune modulating, anti- inflammatory, depurative, lymphatic, vulnerary and anti-anxiety.
Dose: 25-60 mL/week (1:2 liquid) or 2.5-5.0 g/day (tablet) Echinacea has to be one of the most valuable herbal medicines for enhancing and modulating the immune system. Since Lyme disease patients strive to keep their immune systems healthy, echinacea is a prime herb for Lyme and auto immune system health.
Traditionally native American Indians have used both types of the Echinacea roots, E. purpurea and E. angustifolia as they work better in synergy together.
They both contain different types of alkylamides and extensive research shows the combination is more beneficial.
Echinacea roots are very long and strong, often growing in very arid grounds, making the collection of the roots quite challenging. The Native American Indians used to go to great lengths to dig up the roots and trade with other tribes in order to have both varieties of root. They must have known the two types of Echinacea roots work synergistically better together.
Safety: Use cautiously in patients using immunosuppressive medications.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Echinacea was the most frequently used plant preparation in the USA. (Hostettmann K). There are currently over 1000 publications in PubMed about Echinacea with many recent studies proving its value.
Echinacea is used for acute and chronic bacterial, viral or parasitic infections. It is helpful in patients with swollen lymphatic glands, sore throats, tonsillitis, colds, flus, and any upper respiratory conditions such as sinusitis, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, ear infections and asthma.
Echinacea is beneficial for any skin infections such as dermatitis, ulcers, abscesses and boils. I prescribe Echinacea internally and will also use it topically. Basically, it can be used in any condition involving the need for the immune system to heal, balance and restore optimal recovery.
The ‘unique’ taste of Echinacea is very strong with a brief but slight tingling effect in the mouth due to the presence of the alkylamides. It only lasts a few seconds and you get used to it. If you ever want a child to stop drinking milk, give them a 5 mL shot of Echinacea before their glass of milk! The alkylamides make the milk taste terrible.