Amina’s Wild Herbal trekking Notes (for work shops)

Here are the 23 wild growing herbs and edible plants we found on our wild crafting walk at our ‘Hillier Retreat’ 🙂

  1. Cobblers pegs (Bidens pilosa)

240 known species, 201 compounds in this herb alone. 900 mentions in pub med.

Scientific studies show it can help up to 40 diseases.

Anti cancer, Ant inflammatory, Anti diabetic, Anti oxidant, Immuno-modulatory, Anti malarial, Anti bacterial, Anti parasitic, Anti fungal, Hypotensive, vasodilatory and wound healing

2. Cats ear (Hypochoeris radicata) Similar to Dandelion in appearance except for flower stems which can have numerous branches from one stem on this pant whereas dandelion is specifically one straight single stem . Liver and gall bladder health benefits.

3. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Leaves are high in potassium and helpful for fluid retention and oedema. Dandelion roots have many properties beneficial for liver and gall bladder health. Often used as an alternative to coffee.

4. Wild carrot (leptophylyllium) Roots can be eaten and taste just like carrots

5. Blue tops (Ageratum conyzoides)

Common name: Billy goat Weed, Ageratum – Greek ‘a geras’ non aging referring to longevity of plant and flowers.

High in alkaloids.

Moth repellent, Insecticides, prostate

Can rub flowers onto insect bites. Aborigines mashed the plant and applied to wounds. Similar uses in Nigeria.

India for prolapses

South America – Metrorrhagia (irregular menses)

  1. Nodding tops (Crassocephum crepidioloides) Redflower rag leaf

Liver and gall bladder

  1. Australian sorrel (Oxalis acetosella)

Tangy, high vit C

Great remedy for mouth ulcers

Note: C/I for those with sensitivities to oxalates

  1. Gotu kola (Centella asiatica)

Indian Penny wort, Skin diseases, locally and for leprosy.
Beneficial in treating skin diseases and strengthening circulation.
Rich in vitamins, A, B, C and D ((Shippard, I), Gotu Kola is a wonderful herb for promoting healing, as an anti-inflammatory and nervine tonic. It is also helpful in restoring those depleted adrenal glands.
1000 documented studies on Pub med demonstrating its valuable properties.
One recent study on pub med call this “A potential Herbal Cure –all (Kashmira J, Jagruit A , Indian J Pharm Sci, 2010) for wound healing, eczema, psoriasis, diarrhoea, fever, lupus, anxiety, depression and improving cognition.

  1. Chick weed (Stellaria media)

White star shaped flowers, For inflammation and ulceration, Great source of vitamin C, chlorophyll and minerals. Can be used in salads or juices or great to add to pestos.

  1. Tropical chickweed (Drymaria Cordata)

Traditional medicine in Africa and India traditionally. Studies show it to be analgesic (pain relieving) and anti-pyretic (helps with fevers and hot sweats) comparably with aspirin (AJ Akindele, 2011). Another study proves it to be antitussive (reduces the severity of coughing) (Mukherjee PK).  topically for wounds, eczema and dermatitis (blend with vitamin E cream base). Makes a great soother for sore joints when made into a poultice. In food, it is high in vitamin C, A and B vitamins, minerals such as silica, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, chromium and manganese.

  1. White clover (Trifolium repens) Gout, eye wash
  2. Sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus)
  3. Fleabane (Conyza bonariensis)

Rich in minerals, An astringent and named after an insecticide towards fleas. spasmolytic constituents and traditionally the leaves have been used to treat IBS.

  1. Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)

(Pig weed, Horse money) Can be eaten raw or cooked and a great source of vitamin C and omega 3 essential fatty acids.

  1. Raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus) 16. (Rubus hillii)

Leaves contain active constituents of triterpenoids rubusinic acid and rubutinic acid.

Medicinal: Pregnancy tonic (2nd and 3rd trim.) and to prepare for pregnancy.

Upset stomachs and diarrhoea as an astringent. Mouth ulcers

  1. Dock leaves (Rumex crispus)

For liver Qi stagnation and constipation issues

  1. Ribwort (plantago lanceolata)

Rich in minerals, dry coughs and brochitis

  1. Violets Leaves are edible and can be added to salads
  2. Stinging nettles (Urtica diotica) Leaf – fluid retention, high in menerals and benefical for ailments such as eczema, dermatitis and hives. Roots – good for men’s prostate health
  3. Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum)

Flowers, white star shaped petals, Berries that are purple are edible. Often confused with Deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) – purple flowers (which is poison and must not be eaten).

  1. Milk thistle (Silybum Marianum) Not native, Edible roots when plant cut down.
  2. Amaranthus (Pig weed) small young leaves are edible. the seeds can be roasted and ground (Amaranth), seeds are high in protein.