Project Description
My first home grown Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
One of my most used herbs for its Anti-inflammatory, vulnerary (wound healing), lymphatic and anti-microbial properties.
Parts used: Flowers, 2-3 cups tea per day
This soothing medicine is one of my key foundation herbs, I have found this herb to be very gentle and healing for the mucus membranes of the gut. It is my first choice for patients who are super sensitive or have swollen lymph glands and internal inflammation of the gastro intestinal tract (GIT). Great for chronic viral and bacterial infection inflammation
Phytochemical quantification of extracts revealed calendula is rich in flavonoid and phenolic content, and possesses considerable anti-oxidant activities.
Recent studies are showing methanolic and aqueous extracts are promising sources of anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, and cytotoxic agents (Abudunia et al, 2017).
Another study evaluated healing effects of Calendula officinalis hydro-alcoholic extract in experimentally induced ulcerative colitis in rats and found calendula to be more effective that the usual prescribed medication.
Tanideh N et al. Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2016; 22(1): 50-6.