Project Description
Filipendula ulmaria
🍃Love this herb growing in my garden as it is one I often use for patients as a natural antacid or if they are coming off an antacid medication.
It is also anti-inflammatory, astringent and a mild urinary astringent as well as muco-protective for the digestive tract.
May be helpful in easing diarrea, IBS, reflux, gurgling, SIBO symptoms and nausea.
🍃Arial parts, flowers and leaves can be used as a tea, fresh or dried.
Makes a nice pre evening meal tea to aid digestion.
Traditionally used by the Druids and for hyperacidity, heart burn, gastritis, peptic ulceration and nausea. Other uses ro reduce fevers and relieve pain of rheumatism (Hoffman, D).
🍃In 1839, a German botanist realised it contained Salicin, similar to white willow used for Aspirin.
Meadowsweet maybe a safer alternative for some.
💚Also high in vitamins A, B, C and K. (Isabel Shipard’s book).
🍃The results of one study supports the use of F. ulmaria and F. vulgaris flowers in folk medicine for relieving pain in diseases with an inflammatory component with its anti-hyperalgesic properties. (Samardžić S et al, J Ethnopharmacol. 2016 Dec).
🍃This recent study in Serbia 2016 showed for the first time ‘in vivo’ anti-inflammatory activity of meadowsweet extracts, providing support of the traditional use of this plant in the treatment of different inflammatory conditions. (Katanić J et al, J Ethnopharmacol. 2016 Dec.)
🍃Another study by the same scientists showed F. ulmaria extracts attenuated liver and kidney oxidative stress in rats induced by the anti-cancer drug cisplatin and may be used as supportive agent for the prevention and amelioration of cisplatin side effects. (Katanić et al, Food Chem Toxicol 2017 Jan).