Many of my chronically ill patients actually have a number of different stealth infections and they may not be aware of them.
These are the infections that are not routinely tested and are hard to detect in the immune system as they go ‘stealth’ hiding inside of blood cells, deep in the collagenous tissues, or create their own biofilms or cysts.
Most people will have some stealth pathogens even though they may not affect them if the person has a strong healthy constitution. However in the sick patient these pathogens take over and will also interact strengthening each other.
Examples of stealth infections are Bacterial such as Borreliosis (Lyme disease), Bartonella, Streptococcal overgrowth, Protozoal e.g Babesiosis, Viral e.g Epstein Barr virus, Cytomegalovirus, Coxsackievirus and other herpes viruses.
Symptoms of chronic stealth infections may be:
Chronic fatigue
Food intolerances and sensitivities become more severe
Neurodegenerative symptoms
Muscular, nerve and ‘migrating’ joint pains
Fevers or sweats in initial onset, or throughout cycles
Pain, Fibromyalgia or arthritis like symptoms
Memory impairment (brain fog)
Random areas of tingling, numbness
Skin rashes, sensitivities to light and food
Palpitations, irregular heartbeat, chest pain
Dizziness, chronic cough, floaters in eyes
Paralysis, often of the face
Alzheimer’s disease, dementia
For more information or to find out what stealth infections you may have please book in for a private ‘Naturopathy’ consultation with Amina Eastham-Hillier via Skype, phone or In-clinic
Where are Stealth infections hiding:
- Urine and bladder e.g. Ecoli, klebsiellia pn.
- Blood
- Serum
- Gut
- Brain, e.g. attributing to Alzheimer’s
- Respiratory system
- Spinal fluid
- Nasal cavity, e.g. MARCoNS
- Oral cavity e.g. spirochetes, parasites
PART 1: (Part 2: Viral arboviruses – from mosquito’s, Part 3: General viruses)
Borreliosis (Lyme disease):
Lyme Disease is a serious debilitating condition that is often undiagnosed and unrecognised in Australia (and worldwide). Some literature says this tick-borne disease was discovered in Lyme, Connecticut, USA 1975, following a mysterious outbreak of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. However, reports of Borrelia DNA have been found in a frozen ‘iceman’ dating back to 5300 years ago! It is now increasingly common in North America, Europe and has been introduced to Australia possibly by via deer ticks, sheep or migratory birds. There is even talk of biological weapons that may have led to the strength and virility of these pathogens.
Lyme disease infections may be caused by spirochete bacteria e.g. Borrelia burgdorferi (and many other strains of Borrelia). Many Co-infections are also common with Lyme disease such as Bartonella, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Rickettsia, Mycoplasma or protozoa e.g. Babesia. Many patients have a history of mould exposure and affected by mould mycotoxins. There is a very strong link to past viral infections such as Epstein Barr Virus and other herpes viruses and a whole plethora of other stealth infections and parasites. It is often complex!
Acute Lyme infection
Often associated with a tick or other vector bite (but not always). Only 25 % of people report the associated ‘bulls eye rash’.
Flu like symptoms may appear up to two weeks after infection, muscle aches and pains. Fever, chills, headaches, sore throat, swollen glands, aching muscles, aching joints, rashes, heart palpitations, anxiety and fatigue.
Chronic Lyme
Symptoms of flu may disperse but chronic fatigue, joint pains, aching muscles and ‘brain fog’ may become more prominent. Unfortunately, the list expands to affect every system in the body e.g. the endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, GIT and adrenals.
Streptococcus, PANDAS (Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with strep – the body’s own antibodies to strep attack the ganglion cells of the brain causing OCD and tics . It is molecular mimicry.) PANS – paediatric acute neuropsychiatric syndrome).
Symptoms Associated with PANDAS are:
- Hyperactivity
- Changes in mood
- Constant blinking of the eyes
- Grunting and repeatedly saying words
- Nervous tics
- Loss of attention
- Difficulty with reading/writing
- Anxiety
Other Bacterial stealth infections:
- Staphylococcus, MARCoNS
- Escherichia coli
- Klebsiella species
- Mycoplasma species
- Chlamydia pneumonia
- Bartonella species
- Treponema pallidum – Syphilis
Bartonella Cat scratch disease
- B. henselae, Cats and tick (25,000 cases per yr in USA
- Quintana LICE, Bartonella bacilliformis by sand flies
- (Gradual onset)
- 100 % tiredness
- 80% headaches
- Fortnightly cycles
- Sore painful soles of feet
- Pain around ribcage
- Stretch mark type rashes
- Severe anxiety, OCD behavior
- Subcutaneous nodules of arms and legs
- Swollen lymph glands
- Incubation 3-38 days
Mycoplasma M. fermentans, M. pneumoniae
- Gradual onset
- Extreme fatigue
- Neurological symptoms
- Some light sweats
- Metabolic imbalances
- Worse after exercise
- fermentans: associated with breast & lung cancer, inflammatory diseases, Crohn’s disease, infertility, Gulf war syndrome1,2
- pneumoniae: asthma and pneumonia3
Chlamydia Pneumonia Used to called Taiwan acute respiratory agent.
- Chlamydophila (CpN)
not C. trachomatis (STD) although also opportunistic - Bacteria, obligate intracellular
- Major cause of pneumonia
- Found in 60 % of kids with asthma
- Assoc w seizures
- Transported via airborne droplets
- Associated with lung cancer, sinusitis, bronchitis
- Atherosclerosis, stroke, Multiple Sclerosis
- Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, arthritis
Ehrlichia, Anaplasma
Known since 1935, primarily regarded at veterinarian diseases in sheep, goats, cattle, horses and dogs. Currently 5 strains are known to infect humans.
- Rapid onset
- Possible fevers
- Rash
- Sore muscles especially around liver area
- Fatigue
- Knife like headaches, behind the eyes
- Low WBC and higher liver enzymes
- Faster response to treatment if not with Bb infection
Rickettsia Queensland tick typhus, spotted fever
- Abrupt fever and chills and nausea
- Muscle pain
- Headache, lethargy
- Nausea, low appetite
- Swelling of lymph nodes
- Low BP, low albumin, low blood osmolality
Part 2: Viral arboviruses – from mosquito’s, Part 3: General viruses
Also see